Wednesday, 17 February 2016

(mr.) Badger

the badger and the bird

" There was a rustle behind them, 
proceeding from a hedge wherein last year's leaves still clung thick, 
and a stripy head, with high shoulders behind it, 
peered forth on them. 'Come on, old Badger!' 
shouted the Rat."

the badger

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

it's a kind of love

a few new greeting cards in my shop, today... 
birds and cats, and their "troubled" relationship!
(anyway, it's a kind of love)

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

postcard artworks

" the silent speaking "

mixed media on grey cardboard (postcard-artworks)

" the silent speaking " / a detail

" floating into the white "

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

into the same substance

mixed media on grey cardboard (a postcard-artwork)

a detail / colours on the rough surface

a sketch

a touch

mixed media on grey cardboard