Sunday, 23 October 2022

black and yellow-green, and folded paper...


thinking about [...] leaves & squirrels, hares
maybe, black and yellow-green watercolour
and pencil, ink, and folded paper [in progress]

Saturday, 15 October 2022

RothusHalle . Solothurn


deadline already gone, the artworks are there, looking 

forward to see the light of the day in this so nice a space

in Solothurn, during the next exhibition / ROTHUSHALLE

Schöngrünstrasse 2 >>> 23. kunstsupermarkt Solothurn

[ info ]

Friday, 7 October 2022

thinking about...


mixed media on grey cardboard 30x30 cm
23. Schweizer Kunstsupermarkt Solothurn
<<< 4.11.2022 – 8.1.2023 >>> RothusHalle
Schöngrünstrasse 2 . Solothurn . 

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

floating things...


" floating things / a watery new world "
mixed media on grey cardboard 30x30cm ]

. . . 

23. Schweizer Kunstsupermarkt Solothurn
<<< 4.11.2022 – 8.1.2023 >>> RothusHalle
Schöngrünstrasse 2 ● Solothurn

Monday, 3 October 2022

pale blue atoms


' pale blue atoms / a watery new world '
mixed media on grey cardboard 30x30 cm

23. Schweizer Kunstsupermarkt Solothurn 
4.11.2022 – 8.1.2023 RothusHalle
Schöngrünstrasse 2 /// Solothurn

new postcards, ready...


N E W   postcards in my shop now !
sweet thoughts and a warm red whisper those almost-fall days >>> h e r e

. your eyes on me / my eyes on you .
. sweet thoughts / in love .

Sunday, 2 October 2022

black paper & grey colour


... and other little new things carefully printed
/// tiny pieces of black paper ● & grey colour  
 manymany thanks >>> In Controluce serigrafia

[ @incontroluce.serigrafia ]